
How I get 50 visitors per week for free..

Hi everybody!

Long time no post, you´re right.

That´s not because I quit IM or anything, absolutely not.

I was very very busy building another niche (some recent posts deal with this..).

What can I say? I got news!

Weeks and months of new experiences I like to share with you here.

Here is number 1:

Something I totally underestimated in terms of generic traffic generation.

We all, me included struggle to show up on googles frontpage right?

After my first sandbox experience (still not over..) I can tell you of something very positive..

Did you ever plan to optimize your niche or whatever business you own for pics??

Well, you should!

Numbers in my statcounter records prooves that I get around 50 visitors per week from google pic search!(Remember it´s a niche!)

Why is that?

It´s not the image alt text, but the filename!

So if your product is "little helper 2" you should definitely make sure to name your product picture exactely like that!

Or, go even deeper: you have a picture of your little helper 2 showing a 20ml bottle.

Go name your picture "little helper 2 20ml bottle".

You might not believe what people search for!

Now that I know, I carefully name my pictures according to my keywords, and it will help you too.

Again, it´s not about the alt text, but the filename!

I hope this helps you and I´d love to read your comments for sure..

See you soon!


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