There are countless network marketing or MLM companies rising on the internet almost every day.
They promise riches, financial freedom and often times they promise it would be easy and quick to reach those goals.
I think this is what most people looking for an opportunity online are longing for, but at the same if they believe in that, that is mistake number 1!
Number 1: They think the money comes quick and easy. Well, the disappointing truth is that this is not true. I had people in my downlines saying they are going to quit after 1 week. Not only because there was no money coming in but also because they maybe have spent money to get in or they spent money for advertising without talking to me first. Especially network marketing is time consuming when you have no experience. Prepare for a long journey that pays out!
Number 2: Their social surrounding. Often it turned out that people want to quit because none from his social surrounding (family/friends) believes in what this person is doing. They only ask how much money came in (after one week..). It´s disappointing and embarrassing if no money was made at that point of time but everyone has to be honest. Often times people quit when the success is right at hand because friends and family keep those entrepreneurs from believing in what they do. Stay focused, no matter how hard it is!
Number 3: A lack of commitment. In my first network marketing I had thought everything comes without effort. It was a time before the Internet got that popular. I was busy telling everybody how much money I would earn soon while forgetting about putting work into the whole business. This is an effect you can monitor easily when there is a network marketing opportunity that is free to start: People sign up and lay back. Joining the network marketing business requires hard work in the beginning. Work hard in the beginning, it´s a business. Every effort will pay out. Maybe not tomorrow but sooner or later!
Number 4: They sponsor people and don´t care about them. I have to admit, helping other people 24/7 can be very exhausting. But that is the way network marketing works. I watched some gurus personally sponsor 100´s or even 1000´s of poeple. That´s nice in first place and will give you the fame and maybe some bonus money. But in network marketing you would want to build a residual or passive income. Work hard for a year (a few years maybe) and then lay back for the rest of your life, that is what makes network marketing so interesting. You will not reach your goals when you refuse to help others reaching their goals!
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