
Making money online fairytale

Many people dream of a second income online. They bounce from A to Z, believing in headlines saying "make money quickly" "make money easily". People get frustrated after a week or so when they finally realized that this is just not true! Most people continue investing, learning, trying for a certain period of time and then quit because they still didn´t make a dime but probably had lost a couple of 100´s of dollars. That´s why making money online is just a fairytale for them.

Folks think people who really made a big living online, achieved this over night. The truth is that some 97 % of those trying to make money online fail!

And those who made it worked hard for months and years!

But I don´t want to kill your motivation here..I can tell there are not only "downs" but also "ups" which are really fun to experience.

And there is still a lot of money to be made online, even when you feel there´s no piece of the pie left for you!

Some 4-5 years ago, who would have known that social bookmarking sites like stumble upon or communities like youtube and myspace would rise with such enormous success?

Nowadays those are important tools for every online entrepreneur.

Meaning, there will always be progression on the internet, new services will rise and so do new markets and products.

Therefor the internet will continue to be a very interesting source of income for a very long time to come.

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