MLM means multi level marketing. Maybe better known as Network marketing. The idea is simple and great: You start a business make product sales on the one hand and on the other you build a team of associates under you who sale the same product. The good thing is that you earn commission on every sale generated by one of those people you introduced to this business. I personally met people making 40.000 to some 100.000´s of dollars this way..ehem I mean monthly! Although this system is working great, many people fail in MLM, because they don´t support their associates. MLM is all about duplication and again, helping others become successful.
Some people personally bring 100´s of people into their business but do not support them. That´s not the way it should be and at the end of the day those people are gone because they´re left alone.
The right way is to build a solid network with only a few people you personally bring into the business. I think 5 people is enough for the start. It´s far more important helping them duplicate and bring more people in aswell.
That way you can achieve a great amount of passive income for a long period of time!
Finding an MLM company is not easy too! Many rise up, make big noise and disappear within one year.
If you are interested in MLM my recommendation would be GDI, an INC 500 company which sells domains and hosting, paying out 50% of the revenue to their partners in 5 levels.
There is no programm better designed for beginners in MLM, because it´s free to join for 7 days and then only 10 $ a month.
Further it´s advertising material is very good, and I found my first 2 partners in my week 1 those days. GDI still pays me monthly since the year 2005.
Do not start with an MLM company that asks 100 or even 1000´s of dollars to start! Better leave this to the professionals.
Some people personally bring 100´s of people into their business but do not support them. That´s not the way it should be and at the end of the day those people are gone because they´re left alone.
The right way is to build a solid network with only a few people you personally bring into the business. I think 5 people is enough for the start. It´s far more important helping them duplicate and bring more people in aswell.
That way you can achieve a great amount of passive income for a long period of time!
Finding an MLM company is not easy too! Many rise up, make big noise and disappear within one year.
If you are interested in MLM my recommendation would be GDI, an INC 500 company which sells domains and hosting, paying out 50% of the revenue to their partners in 5 levels.
There is no programm better designed for beginners in MLM, because it´s free to join for 7 days and then only 10 $ a month.
Further it´s advertising material is very good, and I found my first 2 partners in my week 1 those days. GDI still pays me monthly since the year 2005.
Do not start with an MLM company that asks 100 or even 1000´s of dollars to start! Better leave this to the professionals.
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